I don’t know if I will ever have a daughter, but if I do, there are a few things that I would like her to know.
There will be times when Mommy won’t be able to tell you everything you want to know. Sometimes, because I do not know the answers to everything, and other times because I won’t think that you’re ready to know or maybe understand the answer.
You may be asking yourself right now what makes me think that you are not ready, or why would you be ready to ask but not to know. Well babe, life is filled with variety itself.
Sometimes being mature is accepting that you are not ready to do or to know about something. Sometimes, you get ready DOING or experiencing, and other times it should be enough listening to someone else’s experience. Sometimes you grow by saying “no”, and other times saying “no” will only mean that you are afraid, and fear is not a good thing dear, is more dangerous than most people think.
I hope not to be afraid to watch you grow, to answer to your very important questions, and I will do my best to enjoy seeing you turning into an “adult”, I will say “no” only when it’s really needed, and I’ll let you be whoever you want to grow into being. Knowledge is the most important tool on this process, and I will not deny it to you, but you need to learn first of all that the only thing people are born ready to do is: living; the rest is up to their families, and their own decisions. And sweetie, there is something very important that you should not ignore, experience is nothing without knowledge and knowledge is meant for experiences. Circumstances may overwhelm you many times in life by appearing as gigantic storms, but it is you who decides who is the giant here.
You may be desiring for me to tell you which times are the right ones, and when experience is not and when is needed, but cupcake, I cannot do that mi niña, you’ll have to figure it out yourself, cause my life is not yours, and your life does not belongs to me, but to you. The answers given to you, and yours given to life, will be determine by one decision only: Whom do you belong to and whom will you serve with your life?
I’ll be here to hold your hand through the road, but the turns you make, are on you.
Always here,
Liomarys + Mommy.
P.S. Chocolate may seem like a good helper, but it will never hug you...
5 comentarios:
jajajaj...no le hablo de la menstruacion...jjajajaj
mi madre me conto como su mama (mi abuela) nunca le habia preparado para ese momento y cuando jugaba en el parque un dia empezo a sangrar; mi mama se volvio histerica.
saludos, lio.
ay, roy, si que estas loco.
esa cosa uno la anora cuando es pequena, y cuando finalmente llega, la detesta.
este cuento te va a gustar: "yo a las mujeres me las imaginaba bonitas" de Andrea Maturana, Chile.
es un buen cuento.
se puede bajar gratis por algun lado? lo tendre en cuenta, gracias.
no tengo idea, es que yo lo lei de una antologia, pero si lo veo por aqui te aviso.
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